About us

Sole vs. Soul, a brand inspired by God, created for the savvy, “soulcially” conscious individual with a mind to live right and look good while doing so! Birthed from an internal argument on the negative effects culture has on relationships. Society has become so superficial and fickle in our mindset regarding relationships. We’ve become more focused on establishing relationships based on status and/or outward appearances. We're more concerned with the brand of your sole versus the status of your Soul. Friendships are predicated on agreement masking as loyalty, versus accountability. We are going along to get along.

Thus, out of this internal struggle, Sole vs. Soul, was born, it is a call to action. Our society needs people more concerned about the Soul and well-being of an individual, not their attire or the superficial, fleeting things of this world. Sole vs. Soul is an offering for such a time as this. It is our prayer that it serves as a catalyst to shift the mindset and hearts of all generations.

Our Soul Purpose is to be a reminder to set our eyes only on things that are ETERNAL!